* Ici repose Lamour (Here lies Love), with the participation of Robert Kirov, 2024
* Le Bonheur (Happiness), 2022-2024
* Jouer (To Play), 2022
* La Chance (Luck), with Kahina Loumi, 2021
* Focul care Arde (The Fire that Burns), 2020
* La zone périlunaire (Lunar peripheral space), 2019
* Malbroro love story (videos), with Gullaume Le Clouërec and Boris Regnier, 2019
* Le chercheur d'or (The gold digger), 2018
* Pluie violette (Purple rain), during Voilà l'été, expérience Generator 2014-2022, Quartier général, Quimper, 2022
* La Réserve (Reserve), during La Grande Diagonale, curated by Bruno Peinado, 2021
* Jardin d'hiver (Winter garden), during Essayer de la sculpture Studio Plijadur, 2020
* Selected installations works until 2018
* Selected sculptures works until 2018
* STANZE, Palomar projets, 2020
* La faim des haricots, Les Éditions du Motel, 2020
Focul care Arde, work in progress
Various materials, audio speakers broadcasting a song composed by the artist Harilay Rabanjamina
for the installation, text written along the trip from France to Romania, translate from French to Romanian and prints on sheets to take away
Timişoara French Institute, Romania
February 2019